David Bailey joined AFG back in 2004, becoming our Chief Executive Officer in the inaugural year of our National Broker Conference 2017. It seems fitting his speech would, therefore, be titled The industry today, the industry tomorrow, and the importance of championing competition.
The mortgage broking industry has much to be confident about and much to celebrate, a consumer’s desire for a broker in their corner continues to grow. The need for competition within the marketplace is more important than ever and a topic we champion. With our industry under the regulatory spotlight, AFG is proud to have taken the lead in this space, on behalf of each one of our brokers, and the industry as a whole.
David spoke on these topics, as well as his view of the mortgage broking space today, and what this may look like tomorrow. He also touched on several business efficiencies and initiatives to help you continue to future-proof your businesses and continue your growth trajectory in the years ahead.
Watch David’s talk: