
Do you have a concern or feedback you would like to share?

At AFG, we aim to provide the very best service for our customers

If you are not satisfied with our service please let us know so that we can improve. If you have a concern that we have not been able to resolve and you would like to make a complaint you can do so through our internal dispute resolution process which is designed to deal with complaints genuinely, efficiently and effectively.

How do you lodge a complaint.

You can lodge a complaint by contacting the Complaints Officer by:

Phone: 1300 130 987

Complaints Officer
Australian Finance Group Ltd
PO Box 710
West Perth, WA

The Complaints Officer has the necessary experience and authority to handle your complaint.

Please explain the details of your complaint as clearly as you can. If you need assistance explaining your complaint, please let the Complaints Officer know, so they can make the necessary arrangements.

How will we deal with your complaint.

When we receive a complaint, we will do our best to resolve it promptly.

To help us do this we ask that you provide:

  1. all essential and relevant information, documents, written statements and any other materials that may assist in resolving the complaint; and
  2. any additional information that we may reasonably request.

We ask that you provide any information that we request within a reasonable time frame.

What if you are not satisfied.

If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint or we do not reach agreement within the prescribed timeframe, which is 30 days for most complaints and 21 days for complaints involving hardship, postponement of enforcement proceedings and default notices, you may refer the complaint to our external dispute resolution provider, the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA).

AFCA can be contacted by:
Phone: 1800 931 678

This is a free service which provides you with an independent mechanism to resolve certain complaints.

AFCA can be contacted by:

Phone: 1800 931 678


This is a free service which provides you with an independent mechanism to resolve certain complaints.

Whistleblower Policy​

AFG has a Whistleblower Policy in place to provide a framework for disclosure by a whistleblower of misconduct within AFG.

Read more about our Whistleblower policy

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