Make your next broker award submission a winner

Winning an award not only allows you to celebrate your hard work, but it can also serve as a powerful tool to increase your brand awareness, strengthen your reputation, and boost your credibility. The quality of your submission can significantly increase your chances of having your name called on the night.

Looking to throw your hat in the ring for a broker award? Check our listing of broker awards. 

Want to come out on top? Check out our top tips on writing a winning submission. 

Stick to the questions. 

The questions will contain the award criteria and it’s essential that you take note of this and address the criteria carefully. Often a question will contain multiple criteria. Here is an example: 

Please describe the strategies you have used to grow your residential mortgage settlements, number of loans written, and loan book during 2022 and how these strategies yielded results. 

In this question there are six key criteria: 

  1. Strategy used to grow residential settlements. 
  1. Strategy used to grow number of loans written. 
  1. Strategy used to grow loan book. 
  1. Residential settlement results. 
  1. Total number of loans written results. 
  1. Loan book growth results. 

Tell a story. 

Rather than simply listing your achievements, use a storytelling approach to make your submission more engaging and memorable. Tell a story in the first-person voice about a particularly challenging deal you closed, or a client whose life you changed for the better. 

Stories are memorable, personable and bring your submission to life.

Back-up your story with data. 

You’ve wowed the judges with your growth and customer stories, but it doesn’t have credibility without the data. When highlighting your achievements, be sure to include specific numbers and data that demonstrate your success. This will help to make your submission more compelling and impressive. AFG brokers have access to a wealth of data within AFG Analytics and your Partnership Manager team is here to help. 


Use testimonials. 

In addition to highlighting your achievements, it is important to show the impact you have had on your clients and the industry as a whole. Provide testimonials from satisfied clients, and showcase any industry recognition you have received. 

Let your customers speak for you.

Keep it simple. 

Make sure your submission is concise and to the point. Use clear and concise language to communicate your achievements and impact. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that may not be familiar to the judges. 


Edit and proofread. 

Before submitting your award submission, make sure to edit and proofread your work. Check for spelling and grammatical errors, and make sure your submission is well-organised and easy to read. 

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of writing a winning award submission. Good luck!


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